IMCDA race report: coke or bust!

Race week

Thursday dawned with great excitement. Our first van trip for a race! Loaded with two TT bikes, two mountain bikes, a ton of gear, a few clothes and a mountain of food, we were off: CDA-bound via an overnight stop in Boise, ID.

We arrived in CDA a few hours before athlete check-in closed on Friday. The tent was empty. All done in ten minutes. I made it through the shop without spending a single dollar. Success!

My journey to IMCDA

So here we go. I’m writing a blog. I was reluctant at first. There are lots of blogs out there and I wasn’t keen to add to the mounds of rubbish on the internet. But I love reading other people’s race reports and travel adventures so why not share some of our stories too? And if only two people read it then I’ll just quietly remove it and pretend it never existed.

I had planned to write a race report of Ironman Coeur d’Alene, but I got carried away so I split it in two. The race report will follow. This post covers my journey to the start line.