
Kona tales part 1: from CDA to race day

After qualifying for Kona at IMCDA, the very last qualifying race, I immediately followed the typical triathlete pattern of scouring the internet for advice on racing two Ironmans seven weeks apart. Depending on who I believed I was either (a) screwed and should resign myself to a sub-par race or (b) in a good position to build on the work I had already done for another peak. Since my desire to go back to Kona wasn’t about just doing the race again but about doing myself justice there after a disappointing first attempt two years ago, I had to believe in (b).

IMCDA race report: coke or bust!

Race week

Thursday dawned with great excitement. Our first van trip for a race! Loaded with two TT bikes, two mountain bikes, a ton of gear, a few clothes and a mountain of food, we were off: CDA-bound via an overnight stop in Boise, ID.

We arrived in CDA a few hours before athlete check-in closed on Friday. The tent was empty. All done in ten minutes. I made it through the shop without spending a single dollar. Success!